Forced Rhubarb

How to Grow Forced Rhubarb: A Step-by-Step Guide

What is Forced Rhubarb?

Forced rhubarb is a gardening technique that involves growing rhubarb in darkness to encourage early growth. This results in tender, pink rhubarb stalks that are prized for their unique flavor and texture.

Benefits of Growing Forced Rhubarb

* Early harvest: Forced rhubarb can be harvested much earlier than outdoor rhubarb, providing you with a fresh and delicious crop in the dead of winter. * Tender stalks: The darkness suppresses the production of chlorophyll, resulting in tender, pink stalks that are less acidic than outdoor rhubarb. * Unique flavor: Forced rhubarb has a delicate and sweet flavor with a hint of tartness.

How to Force Rhubarb

Forcing rhubarb involves preventing light from reaching the crown of the plant. This can be done either in your backyard or in a kitchen garden. Here's a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Choose the Right Time

The best time to force rhubarb is during the winter months, typically from January to March. Ensure that the ground is not frozen solid.

Step 2: Prepare the Rhubarb Plants

Select healthy rhubarb plants that have been established for at least two years. Trim off any damaged or diseased leaves.

Step 3: Cover the Crowns

Cover the crowns of the rhubarb plants with a light-proof material such as a bucket, box, or opaque plastic. Make sure that the material is large enough to cover the entire crown and prevent any light from reaching it.

Step 4: Maintain Warmth

Place the covered rhubarb plants in a warm environment, such as a greenhouse or warm shed. The ideal temperature range is between 45-55°F (7-13°C).

Step 5: Check Regularly

Monitor the rhubarb plants regularly. After about 4-6 weeks, you should start to see the rhubarb stalks emerging. When they are about 4-6 inches tall, they are ready to harvest.

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