Force Quit Mac

How to Force Quit an App on Your Mac

When to Use Force Quit

Force Quitting is a powerful tool that can help you regain control of your Mac when an app becomes unresponsive. Here are some common scenarios when you might need to force quit an app:

  • The app freezes or stops responding
  • The app uses too much memory or CPU and slows down your Mac
  • The app crashes repeatedly

Force Quit Methods

There are several ways to force quit an app on your Mac:

  1. Use the Dock: Click and hold the app's icon in the Dock until a menu appears. Select "Force Quit" from the menu.
  2. Use Keyboard Shortcut: Press Command (⌘) + Option (⌥) + Esc to open the Force Quit Applications window. Select the app you want to quit and click "Force Quit."
  3. Finder Menu Bar: Click the Apple menu in the top-left corner of the screen and select "Force Quit Applications." Select the app you want to quit and click "Force Quit."
  4. Activity Monitor: Open the Activity Monitor application (located in Applications > Utilities). Select the unresponsive app in the list and click the "Force Quit" button in the toolbar.
  5. Terminal: Open the Terminal app (located in Applications > Utilities). Type "killall " and press Enter. Replace "" with the name of the app you want to quit.


Force Quitting is an effective way to terminate unresponsive apps and regain control of your Mac. Remember to use Force Quit only when necessary, as it can lead to data loss if unsaved changes are present. By understanding the different methods for Force Quitting, you can quickly and safely resolve app issues and keep your Mac running smoothly.

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